The Bamboo Guy operates on the Kzn North coast at grass-root level working closely with local communities using wild bamboo. This also gives us a deep appreciation and understanding of local communities and the bamboos where they flourish in their natural environments.
Apart from working with bamboo, The Bamboo Guy also help creators connect web technologies and the modern marketplace by creating websites for their SME businesses. We use only local non-invasive bamboo to train and mentor young interns in various personal development aspects and unlocking their potential, using bamboo as education medium. The Bamboo Guy works to promote conscious eco-education for adults and children through continuously advocating sustainable ways of living with awareness of our impact on the environment. Our team is continually learning, relearning, and applying latest best practice standards on the fly, providing custom made organic solutions to clients’ unique requirements. At The Bamboo Guy our efforts and impact are guided through an Anthroposophic inspired holistic approach to guide humanity, our own actions and our impact on earth. |
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Website by The Bamboo Guy
Helping create & grow ideas